car-portal looking for investors or shareholder

Hits: 7832 | Stock No: #16434
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Project Details
Minimum investment per investor: 50000
Country: Germany
Reason for needing Capital: Working Capital
Stage: In Operation/Selling
Ideal Investor Role: Indifferent
Highlights: We have a network with 1.500 partners in EU.

We take care of all partners for the purchase and sale, provide the complete infrastructure and databases
What you offer to investors?: Direct investment or silent partnerships (10% p. a.)

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We take care of all partners for the purchase and sale, provide the complete infrastructure and databases.

Direct investment, strategic partnerships (or silent partnerships for 10% p. a.)
We have a network with 1.500 partners in EU. We deliver more than 1.000 dealers in the world, finance and leas new and young cars.

We operate a network of agency sales multiplication and optimum shopping. As a result, we have a unique selling proposition.

Last year, we have sold over 700 vehicles

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