Veterinary And Pet Care Management System

Hits: 2930 | Stock No: #20996
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Project Details
Minimum investment per investor: 140
Country: Spain
Reason for needing Capital: Project Launch
Stage: Finished product
Ideal Investor Role: Indifferent
Highlights: PHP 7.x or 8.x
MySQL Database
Storage & Public Directories writable.
BCMath PHP Extension
Ctype PHP Extension
Fileinfo PHP Extension
JSON PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO MySQL PHP Extension
Tokenizr PHP Extension
What you offer to investors?: Instructions
The installation document is in the file.

ADMIN: demo123
CUSTOMER: demo123

We are delighted to present our System for the management of veterinary clinics and pet care. An innovative software for pet care and the management of a veterinary clinic.

It has a simple Control Panel that gives you full control to manage appointments, product sales, inventory control, pet records, reports and more.

Customers: Our system allows to register customers and assign one or more pets to the same customer. The customers can also register their pets and schedule appointments.

Pets: All the pet's clinical data is stored in the pet's file, as well as the record of visits, hospitalizations, medicines or products applied, records of images, examinations and x-rays.

Appointments management: The system offers a function to schedule appointments with the different doctors available in the clinic.

Hospitalizations: Our system allows you to record pet hospitalizations and record the treatments applied, records of images, examinations and x-rays.

Doctors: The system allows to register unlimited doctors and assign pet appointments to them.

Product sales: The system has POS for the sale of products and services. It has inventory control and does not allow the sale of expired products.

Admin Panel
Customer Panel
Appointment control
Products and sevices
Clinical history of each pet
Record of exams and x-rays
Records of medicines and treatments
Assignment of appointments to doctors

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